Of course, none of us, poker fans, would think about leaving the game when the card, as they say, has gone or the game is gaining a dangerous turn. We often compete on several tables at the same time which certainly requires the utmost concentration from the players. All unsuccessful hands that any poker player, without exception, can face, make him experience very serious stress.

And regardless of how much money you won, your main wealth will suffer this is health. The question arises how to play competently, without harming your body and without experiencing excessive fatigue? What should you pay attention to?

First, take care of yourself

It’s no secret that the players at the cash tables can absolutely freely dispose of their time fortunately, the free-flowing schedule of sessions at the poker table deserves this. People who love tournament poker are not so lucky they just have to adjust their daily routine to the wishes of the organizers. Think three times is the sleepless night worth the upcoming game?

If you are not a convinced “owl”, then at night your productivity will seriously decrease, and no one will definitely be able to guarantee you some kind of win. On the contrary, you wouldn’t lose your bankroll here. And in general will the money won be worth the effort and time spent? Remember about concentration and your productivity, do not take unnecessary risks.

Health is the main wealth, and a night’s sleep is a great chance for the body to recover its strength, restore efficiency and just relax.

About vision

Online poker gives us not only a lot of advantages, but a fairly large number of inconveniences, the biggest blow is inflicted, first of all, on vision. Being in front of the monitor, a person blinks rarely enough, which, as a result, will lead to irritation of the eyes, as well as to their dryness. As a result, this can easily lead to eye problems their irritation and dryness.

Take breaks as often as possible if you are unable to quit playing. Note that tournament players are often provided with such an opportunity pauses and breaks are provided for all derbies that last for more than one hour. Thus, if you feel tired eyes or it hurts to look at the monitor, be sure to give yourself a break and take a 20 minute break. Make a visit to https://redgeneracionadecco.com/  there.

About nutrition

Nutrition has a serious impact not only on human health, but also on its ability to work. Poker players, sitting at the monitor, often neglect healthy food and limit themselves only to short-term snacks. We strongly recommend saying no to similar products. If you are a very busy person and you simply do not have the opportunity to cook, then for you yoghurts, fruits and chocolate. But carbonated water is not a friend to a poker player all the more sweet. Too much sugar is bad for your health, drink tea or water.

Pay attention to posture if you sit in front of the computer in the wrong posture, this often leads to the risk of curvature of the spine or back problems. Pay maximum attention to the lower back you probably noticed how, being carried away by the action on the monitor screen, you begin to slide to the edge of the chair and bend your legs.